Affiliated To C.B.S.E. - New Delhi, (No. - 1631189)

House Activities  

The students are divided in to three houses. The house system inculcates feeling of belongingness among staff members and students, which ignite the spirit of being competitive, thus working to their maximum out put so that perfect and best performance is produced in various areas. The house activities help to give the students a sense of self discipline and responsibility and above all love for their almamater. Various activities are held to promote the self expression of the child and to accentuate the growth of personality. At this stage, the urge for self activity in child himself is great so special care is taken to direct the energy of the child for educative purposes. These activities help him learn a number of social traits e.g. co-operation while engaged in group activities, sharing the responsibilities with other, and acquiring the habits of team work. The classes at this level are involved in a variety of educational activities. They engage in debating important issues related to student's life, speeches and declamations on social evil and other important issues. There is an inter house talent competition held each year to bring out the hidden talents.

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Affiliated To C.B.S.E. - New Delhi, (No. - 1631189)
Via Ghagga, Tehsil - Patran,
Distt. - Patiala, Punjab - 147102
Contact No. : 01764-250026, 097792-50026
E-Mail : davbadshahpur2004@gmail.com
Website : www.davbadshahpur.org

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